Medical Care , Health & Wellness , Health Screening
Functional medicine is a personalized approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of disease. It emphasizes understanding the individual's unique genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors that contribute to their health. Functional medicine practitioners use a variety of tools, including in-depth assessments, laboratory tests, and personalized treatment plans, to help individuals achieve optimal well-being.
Functional medicine seeks to uncover underlying health issues but recognises that not all of them may be immediately evident. Just as a net captures some fish while others remain free in the ocean, some health concerns can be easily missed or challenging to diagnose with traditional approaches. Functional medicine however, casts a wider and more thorough net, capturing insights into the root causes of health problems that might otherwise go unnoticed.
By understanding these underlying factors, functional medicine empowers individuals to make informed choices about their health, effectively catching valuable insights that can lead to better outcomes. This approach aligns with the idea that optimal well-being involves exploring the depths of health, not just skimming the surface, and it emphasises personalised care to address each person's unique health journey.
How Does It Differ from Conventional Medicine?
What should I expect at an appointment?
One clinic that offers functional medicine services is Complete Healthcare International (CHI) in Singapore. CHI is an integrated medical centre dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare to both international and local patients. They are co-located with a complete imaging facility, allowing for on-the-spot diagnostic testing if required.
CHI offers comprehensive health screenings, including heart health, metabolic health, women’s health, and gut health. These screenings are analysed in an integrated and functional manner to identify future health risks and opportunities for optimising well-being.
For more information or to discuss your health with doctors at CHI, you can contact 6776 2288 or WhatsApp 9646 5843.